Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The days roll on by.

The boys held a memorial service for their Dad and our mate Rosco. Darren and we flew to Adelaide on monday night last and stayed at Craig and Anges. Craig had the arvo off and we (Darren,Craig and us) drove to Goolwa for the "wake". It was a great day, much laughter and a tinge or two of sadness. Parso,Sue, Sean and Brett and Ilona all spoke, giving insight to their friendship with Rosco over the years. So annoying that it takes the occasion of a friends death to get together with so many other old friends.  Ross would certainly have enjoyed himself. Back to Craigs place after I was finally dragged out of the Goolwa golf club, with just enough time to clean up and meet Clive and Vicki for dinner at the Vic. (top of taps). Craig and Ange, Amy and hannah accompanied us also. Sarah was on a 4 wheel drive camping trip somewhere in northern Victoria. Not too late home as we have to rise at around 5.00am to catch the 7.00 am flight back to Ceduna. Darren and Bob both had to go straight to work. The next week was quite busy with Bob working (at the East West) and me housekeeping, gardening and 1 day of Lucas. Phew.

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