Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Andean Explorer and Puno.

------of open ground should not be used, just because a train comes through from time to time. The train driver is constantly blowing the horn,generally to no avail, but the stalls set up on the track on a tarp are casually removed to let the train pass. I was told that some even leave them there for the train to straddle. The semi permanent stalls on either side sell almost everthing, one in particular having more nuts and bolts than I have ever seen. Car parts, hardware, TVs', electronic goods and electrical equipment to name a few, in semi permanent stalls which all but touch the train as it crawls past. WOW. By the time we reached Puno about an hour later it was getting dark and we were pretty much ready to get off. At the station when all others had gone, there was just us and a Condor travel rep left but the name on his card was not ours. A quick phone call by him soon concluded thet he had the wrong name written down and that in fact it was us he was to pick up. We were deposited at the Casa Andina Puno Plaza hotel, one of three with the same name in Puno and after a brief disscussion on the size of our room(small) we were found one a little better.

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