Wednesday, October 5, 2011

La Paz Bolivia

Dined out with Geoff and Vicki, two Australians from Newcastle who we first met at Galapagos and have re met at almost every city even though on separate itinerary's.
The next day we had a short city tour of La Paz, which is rather an incredible city down in a valley with a satellite city called Alto at the top of the hill where it is colder and windier where the poorer people live comparative squalor. The homes are invariably built of home made adobe bricks,no colour, extremely busy and not my cup of tea. Dined out on the rooftop again, this time with Noelene from Melbourne, another one we re met several time along the way. Nice relaxing 9.30 start tomorrow for our trip to Santiago.  (If only we had known what was in store)

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