Saturday, October 1, 2011

Aguas Caliente Wednesday sept 28

Today turned into a bit of a downer. We had most of the day off to just wander the town, which was fortunate as during the night my complete aliamentary system said, enough, time to empty out. After quite a large meal at lunch time and then to find out that dinner was included in the tarrif, 3 courses,two beers and a white wine proved too much for the altitude affected digestion system. Doctor came, no carbs,no alcohol and no fizzy drinks for two days. Managed to stay in our room until twelve, and spent the time waiting for the train at about four-ish in the public areas of the hotel. Train back to Ollentaytambo, driver waiting for us to take us to Urubamba to pick up our suitcase and then for the two hour ride of our life back to Cusco. The road to Cusco is also the road to Lima going the other way and it was very busy. Many vehicles dont seem to have tail lights but almost all have headlights, unfortunately only high beam. The road contains a mixture of trucks,buses,cars, 3 wheel motor bike taxis, people,donkeys,alpacas,dogs and kids. Our driver was pretty quick but never took chances and we arrived at our hotel about 7.45, glad to be there.

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