Thursday, September 29, 2011

Machu Picchu pt 2

As it turned out it was about 35 minutes to the bridge,the path to which is part of the Inca trail,sanitised a little so the silly old tourists dont all fall off the edge. Every time we passed somebody they insisted on the inside edge of the trail. This type of tourist attraction would never even get off the ground in Australia with nary a handrail in sight and an almost sheer drop of 5 to 600 meters. Its called taking responsibility fo your own actions, something we are no longer allowed to practice in Oz. The bridge was less than spectacular, being several logs of timber about 3 feet wide spanning a gap of around 15 feet, with one side hard against a sheer stone cliff. I would point out here that the bridge is now blocked off to stop the odd silly tourist from commiting almost certain Hari Kari. The drop on the other side is about 400     meters straight down. Once again no handrail for the obviously sure footed Incas. The views from the path, although scary, were specky to say the least. We were glad we made the EFFORT. Puff,puff. It was then back down again with a bit of a rush as the last bus left the site at 5.30, however we made it with time to spare.

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