Thursday, September 15, 2011

Beunos Aries next day

       The "dining room" turned out to be an acceptable buffet brekky room, no cooked meals but plenty to eat. Sandra our guide picked us up for our city tour about ten and off we went. We saw the huge aliminium flower which opens and closes day and night, in United Nations square, a cemetery for the rich and famous, packed with mausoleums, one of which contained the remains of Eva Peron (Evita) . Once more did things the hard way(not our fault) as there was a protest in the city which closed some roads and made the traffic very heavy. HAd a coffee in a small cafe in the old La Bocca area which is packed with souvenirs and places to learn to tango.  We decided to walk back to our hotel only about 3 blocks! and our luck changed a little for the better. We found a very helpful young bloke in an optical shop who arranged an appointment next day for Bob with an opthalmologist just around the corner.  Then, right on the opposite corner was the Americana Empanada restaurant. In we went and we emerged a little later after a couple of beers and 4 empanadas, fully sated. Walked back to our hotel and had a rest. Out to dinner later to a recommended restaurant and as we had a day off next day we overindulged in everything. The Buenos Aries grill was wonderful, the staff treated us as locals, nothing was to much trouble. As soon as you sit down at your table there appears a basket of assorted breads and 3 kinds of dip. Beer and wine to accompany an atlantic salmon for her and a steel sashlik suspended from a steel hook enshrouded with a large quantity of chicken cubes for him. We were offered coffee (free) but declined, so they then bought two glasses ob bubbly to the table.We sauntered home detouring via the streets of Beunos Aries, picking up some water and nibbles for later. A great evening.

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