Thursday, September 22, 2011

Galapagus 19th Sept.

Woken at 7.00am for 7.30 breakfast  and 8.30 start to our activities.  Boarded the Zodiacs for the trip to Espanola ISland where after a dry landing we had a 3 hour hike to see Waved Albatross,Blue footed and Nazca Boobies, doves , gulls, hawks and herons in abundance even having to avoid the nests on the tracks some with tiny chicks as well.   Sea lions by the hundreds, the endemic Hood mocking bird and several types of reptiles including the coloured marine iguannas and the small Lava lizard. At the halfway point there is an impressive blowhole. By the time we returned to the landing point the zodiacs were waiting to take us back to the Choral 1 for a very nice lunch.  About 3.00 after a well earned rest we steamed to Gardner Bay on Espanola for a wet landing.  On landing we walked accross the island looking for the elusive flamingo but unfortunately it was so elusive we didn't see any.
Onto another secluded sandy beach in the very shallow water we saw many small stingrays and at the other end of the bay was a large compliment of turtles.  Back at Gardner Bay we donned our wetsuits for a great swim among many types of fish then back to the boat again.

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