Saturday, September 10, 2011

Rio de Janeiro.. Sat 10 Sept

Flight from Santiago turned out ok after a bad start. When we went to check in their were only 2 seats left one in row 21 and one in 27. Bit of a bummer on a four hour flight. However just before takeoff the back row  which had all airline staff in it bcame empty as they all moved up to business class. i had already spoken to the fellow next to me and told him that my wife was up further so when the hostie came past he spoke to her in Swahili and asked if we might have the back seats together.  She agreed so we had 3 seats between 2 of us which is great. Straight after take off the pilot said we should all stay seated with belts on as would be crossing the Andes shortly. It got very rough for about 15 minutes or so and when the cloud cleared a little we were treated to a magnificent view of the Andes.The rest of the trio was good, meal served and arrived in Rio on time. Met by our driver with excellent english and aside from very busy traffic arrived at the Hotel Windsor Martinique about 7.00 pm. Bit of a dissappointment after the hotel in Santiago but quite ok and less than a hundred yards to the Copa Cabana beach. Unimpressed with the area outside at night we dined in our hotel and turned in about ten.

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