Saturday, September 17, 2011

Buenos Aries Thursday 16 th

          Today is a rest day, the first one we have had. We obviously did very little apart from walking a bit around the city, empanadas for lunch again and Bob went to the eye doctor. She was concerned about some irregularities in one eye and though she does have a problem the result put her mind at rest. So now her chest infection has all but cleared up and the eye concern is left in abeyance,  things are on the improve.  We did have the day off however the evening was a dinner and tango show. On the bus trip to the theatre we met 2 girls from Brisbane who were staying in our hotel and 2 blokes from Sweden and we all sat together at a round table. It made for a really good night. The dinner was excellent, 3 courses with a variety of choices and we settled for chicken for her and a thick, juicy, medium rare steak for him. Yum. The Tango show was also excellent, music, singing and very colourful dance. The only downside was, that there is only one way to do a tango, so it did get a bit repetative.  Then the bus trip back to our hotel around  midnight and pack ready for a 4 AM (yes 4am) start with a 7.10 flight to Quito.

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