Thursday, September 15, 2011

Buenos Aries

As stated previously the Wilton Palace hotel is not in the top ten. Or even the top 500 or so. On arrival we checked in, this time remembering to ask for a twin room, but forgetting to mention non smoking. Up to the tenth floor to1002 to a room overlooking the street but absolutely terrible smell of very stale tobacco. Told the valet this was not acceptable, we wanted non smoking. Then off down to 402 which was the same location but lower. This room smelled better but only because the room deodorant overpowered the smell of smoke. None the less we stayed put, only to find the traffic noise was amplified up the building which of course was not double glazed. Not having yet had dinner we sauntered down to the "dining room" to find out it is not a dining room but a room within which one can eat. They have no kitchen, but they ring a bloke "around the corner" who brings it to the hotel. Thats ok, odered meal about 10 something, had a beer or two and sometime a little before midnight we were still hungry,tired and unhappy.  Requested they tell the "bloke around the corner" to stick his food and we went back to our room for a packet of leftover airline food. Fortunately the traffic noise abated somewhat  and we managed a reasonable sleep till around 6.30.

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