Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Misminay continued

continued fromprevious blog.  After all the hard work which we took part we went back to the house for lunch. The room was spotlessly clean with a nice table with cloth and benches.The meal consisted of a plate of lima beans and corn as an appetiser, then barley soup, followed by a stuffed tomato with quinoa and meat and after that a plate of potatoes and meat. Dessert was a red jelly. The only thing that wasn't strictly traditional. Everything was delicious but very filling. The afternoon session was textiles and how they dye the wool,spin and weave using a back strap loom. The colours are all gained from natural products and died in apot over a small fire outside.  Bob participated a bit and gave every one a good laugh when she couldn't do the spinning. At the end they did bring out items to sell and as we'd had such agreat day we were happy to purchase a few things. Their warmth and hospitality were amazing and it was hard to say goodbye.  They were very interested in some photos we had of Lucas and a couple of the other grandies but unfortunately I left our big family photo back at the hotel.  A fantastic day and one of the highlights of our trip.

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