Thursday, September 22, 2011

Galapagos 20th Sept pm

After lunch and a short nap we once more boarded the zodiac and travelled to Champion Islet just off Floreana for deep water snorkelling.  Jumping into up to 30 plus feets of water was a bit daunting but the rewards were great. Thousands and thousands of fish of various types and colours. We swam along the island for around 500 metres and a seal would occasionally join our group.  Our guide free dived about 25 feet to dislodge a white tipped reef shark from under his ledge so we could view it. He also pointed out an octopus, a stonefish and many other creatures that we would have missed. We clambered back onto the zodiac in a most inelegant manner tired but exhilarated.  Back to the boat for hot chocolate and a shower to warm up while the Choral 1 steamed to Post Office Bay on Floreana.  We filled our postcards out to take ashore and posted them in the barrel. Also collected a couple for people in Adelaide. Historically used by sailors as a drop off and pickup point.  If there was a letter there to somewhere near their home they woukd take it and deliver. The custom is still in use today by tourists.

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