Thursday, September 22, 2011

Galapagos to Quito Sept 21st

    6.30 wake up this morning for a 7 am brekky. groan! Then once more to the zodiacs dear friends and of to Seymore island for another 1.5 hour clamber over black rocks of an infinite variety of size, but all roundish.  On the plus side we were treated to a huge nesting colony of Frigate birds and their young, interspersed with breeding colonies of blue footed boobys, and a species of Albatros endemic to the Galapagos.  Then back to the Coral 1 and finish packing while the boat steamed to our drop off point on the island of Baltra, which hason it the airport.The crew checked everyone and their luggage in,leaving us only to board our hour and ahalf flight back to the mainland, first Guayaquil and then Quito. By the time we arrived back at our hotel it was getting on for dinner time, so after a short rest we dined and bedded fairly exhausted, aided by the altitude.

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