Thursday, September 22, 2011

Galapagos 18th Sept.

Flight to Galapagos was 40 mins to Guayaquil with the usual stop for refuelling and then another 1 hour 40 mins from there. Guides met us at airport in organised chaos and we transferred to buses then to a ferry and another bus for a trip accross Santa Cruz island from north to south to the Charles Darwin station which is a breeding station for endangered Galapagos tortoises. We were introduced to "Lonsome George" who is the last one of his particular species and unfortunately he appears to be barren. Looked around for souveniers and found an ATM the only one on the island in Atora before heading back to the ship for our lifeboat drill and then dinner.  Food was good and plentiful but not a lot of choice. Our cabin was on the lower deck and a bit cramped but adequate. Unfortunately it was very rough on the first night out and we both felt very queazy. Bob ended up going outside onto the deck and curled up there until about 2.00 am before it calmed down enough to goback to bed.

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