Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sacred Valley 27th Sept.

Regarding our trip to Misminay we had stopped taking our medication to prevent altitude sickness as we expected to be well below 3000 metres for the next few days but to our surprise Misminay was at nearly 4000 metres. Even so we seemed to handle it OK.Today we had an early pickup from the hotel to be taken to Ollentaytambo Railway Station for the train trip to Machu Pichu and who should be on the bus but our friends from Newcastle that we keep running into, Geoff and Vicky. They also sat next to us on the train. The journey was very picturesque travelling through the valley of the Andes following the river and we were served a nice snack on the way. The trip took 1 and a half hours to travel 43 miles so it wasn't a speedy trip but very enjoyable.  On arrival at Aguas Calientes ( base for MachuPichu) our bags were taken to our hotel and we boarded the bus for the 25 min journey up a narrow zigzag mountain road. OK if you don't look down. There was a fleet of 25 to 30 buses which  continuously shuttle people up and down the mountain. more to come....

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