Saturday, September 10, 2011

Rio de Janeiro.. Sat 10 Sept

Up about 7.30 and down to brecky. Very adequate, and from there for a quick stroll along the promenade of the Copa Cabana beach.  Lots of people about even though fairly early. Lots of exposed skin also. Found a bank which took visa, so are now cashed up.unfortunately our day off was taken up with Bob having a chest infection and having to go to the docs for antibiotics so spent most of the day in room until Dinner and Samba show that night. The show was entertaining but repetetive and loud. Dinner was a shambles but good food with all sorts of meat carved from skewers at the table. Very late night at 1.00am for an early morning start on our full day tour to Sugar Loaf Mountain and Corcodova Hill. SLM was a great trip in two cable cars and the views were very impressive of Rio and surounding beaches,bays and countryside.  unfortunately by the time we had lunch  the top of Corcodova Hill was in cloud and even tho we were right at the base of the huge statue of Christ the Redeemeer was covered in mist and all we saw was a vague outline. To say we were disappointed was an understatement. Well you can,t do anything about the weather.Had a nice meal in the hotel again and an early night for our early morning trip to the airport. Pedro turned up early and of we went on our way to Iguazzu Falls.

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