Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lima 23rd Sept.

Arrived at our hotel in Lima around midnight after leaving our previous hotel in Quito at 5.30pm. The flight was only an hour and fifty minutes, the rest of the time was waiting, waiting,waiting.  Hotel Boulevard was very nice and after breakfast we had a city tour to the Park of Love, walked around the square and observed the timber balconies which had replaced the old stone ones lost in an earthquake.  Saw a couple of churches, the presidential palace and then climbed the bell tower in the monastery San Francisco. Lots of steps but good views from the top.  After lunch and a rest we ventured out on our own and again found the Park of Love where there was a talent show in progress. The main part of Lima is built overlooking the ocean 100 to 200 metres down what appears to be unstable conglomerate cliffs.  There is a section set aside for hang gliders to launch themselves from the top of the cliff.  Once again dinner and an early night for another early morning pickup for Cusco.

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