Saturday, September 10, 2011


Arrived in Santiago about 12.00midday the same day we left Sydney. Picked up and taken to hotel Atton el Bosque. very nice and comfortable.  Slept for a few hours then ventured out for dinner.  F ound the restaurant at the end of the street called Angus. Had a lovely meal and a couple of drinks.  Had a bit of a shock to find out it cost a hundred dollars. Bit of a miscalculation with the exchange rate. Got a few more hours sleep and woke very early (4.30) as our body clocks haven't adjusted yet.  Nice breakfast and then a city tour with the tour company. It's a huge city and we only saw a fraction of it including the main city square and the presidential palace, changing of the guard and a visit to a lookout on the top of a large hill in the centre of town. Next day was a half day tour to a quite famous winery { in Chile) which was interesting enough. The drive up and back was also of interest. Just wanted a snack for dinner tonight and as most of the meals are quite large we settled on a maccas and took it back to our room.
           Being picked up this morning about 9.30 , a reasonable time for the trip to the airport,   about 40 minutes.

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