Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Misminay 26th sept

This morning we were picked up by our guide and driven about 1 hour to the Misminay Community. We had no idea what to expect other than another chance to be hassled into buying souveniers but boy were we surprised.  The drive there in itself was an adventure as we climbed to nearly 4000 metres. The people of the community are virtually self sufficient and live in small houses almost in the fields they grow their crops in. We were met from the car buy 6 or 7 men and women in their national costume singing and dancing with a very warm welcome.  Then we were taken into one of their homes for Mint Tea. Very refreshing.After that they took us to their farming area and demonstrated how they sow and harvest their crops as they have been doing for hundreds of years. They use donkeys to trample the stalks to get out the grain or beans or peas or whatever. Then they use a fork for winnowing.  They don't use any machinery and everything they grow they use in one way or another.  They are also very spiritual people and have a small ceremony every day to give thanks and pray for good crops.

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