Thursday, September 29, 2011

Machu Picchu

We got off the bus to be met by the guide who took us through the gate and into the archiological site of Machu Pichu. Our first site of it was everything we have seen in pictures and then some. Simply breathtaking.  Our guide followed the path of steps and by stopping every 30 or so steps upwards took time to tell us some of the history in the Incas and their world. This also gave us time to get our breath back before ascending once more.The incredible thing about it is that it was only 90 years from establishment until they abandoned it because of the threat of a Spanish invasion although there is no evidence that the spanish ever went there.  The jungle then reclaimed it until Hiram Bingham rediscovered it in 1911.
At the end of a 2 and a half hour guided tour is was back to the gate and a nice restaurant for lunch. After we started back up again to find the Inca bridge. This meant ascending to the "guard house" about twice as high as we went in the morning. Then, a sign pointing to Inca bridge but no distance on it. People returning assured us it was only about 20 minutes, more or less, so off we went.

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